boutique bed and breakfast

A stroll around Acqui Terme

A stroll around Acqui terme is a delight I will take you to a few nice spots right now, just a stroll mind you. Not dinner or bars or concerts that is for another time.

The regionale enoteca is a great place to start on your wine journey. Here you can taste (small fee per glass) all the wines in the surrounding area. Without devoting time to a particular winery. Its like a crash course, I highly recommend it.
A particular beauty is the Tromp d’Oeil effects that adorn many of the buildings in the old town
Small passages leading up to the Cathedral are just fun to explore.
No walk is complete without stopping at the Bollente. you can touch you can take a bottle with you, its actually great in cooking to add flavour.
The Duomo in the distance take the steps to reach it!