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What makes a Perfect Pizza part III Mistakes!

So now you have the basic dough recipe we can show you what to avoid.

We did a little reseach on this topic and have found some common mistakes

Making pizza at home can be fun and rewarding, but also challenging. We list below some mistakes we help you to avoid during our Pizza Experience!

  • Using too much yeast, flour, or cheese. These can make your pizza dough dense, soggy, or greasy. Use a small amount of yeast and let it ferment slowly for more flavor. Use less flour and fold the dough well until it is smooth and supple see previous post .
  • Use just enough cheese to cover the sauce and choose a low-moisture mozzarella.
  • Overstretching or rolling the dough. This can cause tearing and thinning of the dough, which can affect the texture and baking of the pizza. Stretch the dough gently by hand and avoid using a rolling pin, which can deflate the dough and make it tough.
  • Not pre-cooking your toppings. Some toppings, especially meat and hard vegetables, need to be cooked before adding them to the pizza, otherwise they may not cook properly in the oven or release too much moisture. Cook your toppings in advance and drain any excess liquid or fat.
  • Skipping the cornmeal or semolina. Sprinkling some cornmeal or semolina on your cookware before adding the pizza dough can prevent it from sticking and also add some crunch and flavor to the crust. You can also dust some on your work surface and your hands when handling the dough.
  • Working with cold dough. If you refrigerate your pizza dough, you need to let it come to room temperature before shaping it. Cold dough is stiff and resistant to stretching, and may shrink back or tear. Let your dough rest on the counter for an hour or two before using it.
  • Using too many or incompatible toppings. Adding too many toppings can weigh down your pizza and make it soggy or unbalanced. Choose a few toppings that complement each other and the sauce, and spread them evenly and sparingly over the pizza. Less is more when it comes to pizza toppings.
  • Not seasoning your sauce or toppings. A bland sauce or topping can ruin your pizza, even if you use high-quality ingredients. Season your sauce with salt, pepper, garlic, herbs, and spices to your taste. Season your toppings as well, especially cheese, which can be bland when melted. You can also drizzle some olive oil, balsamic vinegar, or spicy garlic oil over your pizza for extra flavor.
  • Not preheating your cookware or oven. A hot surface and a hot oven are essential for a crispy crust and a well-cooked pizza. Preheat your baking sheet, pizza stone, or cast iron skillet in the oven for at least 15 minutes before placing your pizza on it. Preheat your oven to the highest temperature possible and bake your pizza for 10 to 15 minutes, or until golden and bubbly.

I hope these tips help you make a delicious pizza at home. Enjoy!

You can find both the pizza dough recipe and the sauce recipe in our Ricettario (Verdmont Recipes section).