boutique bed and breakfast

2 Chapels multiple vineyards and a Big Bench – The Verdmont walk.

There are few nice walks you can do in the area but one that is simple and leaves right from Verdmont will take you across vines, to not ine but tow miniature chapels, a view point and the giant yellow bench. It’s a total of 10km there and back and while the beginning is a little strenuous you will get great views and walk in the vines, fabulous.

The two view points the Pineta Chapel see my other post on the history.

The details of the walk are here it is free to sign up and you should see a map if not just ask!

READ ON for a written description…with more photos of the landmarks you will pass. These were taken early spring so some trees are just about with leaves and the vines are just getting started!

Turn right at the gate and cross into the next field on the edge running up you should see tracks (we walk there daily) follow the tracks to the top and you will vear right, eventually you will come out onto the road at the top. This is the steepest part of the walk it is easy from here!

This is strada Monterosso you will take again right here and follow the road. You will be staying on this road for some kilometers so relax and enjoy the views.

On the Left you will pass a little mini chapel originally conceived to serve this in the area. It does open a few times per year for a special service.

Continue beyond the chapel. You will reach the brow of the hill and follow the now gravel path ahead. You will take a winding path through the vines.

At the end of the road you will reach a fork here you take right again.

Continue you will see this amazing view and a loop via the passiti vines to add on but we suggest joining that further along snd looping back , so where you see this sign ignore it we will be getting back to that…

At a curve in the road there will be a dirt track ahead this will lead to another little Chapel The Pineta and a small picnic area.The entrance to the road looks like this, enchanting on a fine spring day.

A 100 m you will pass a picnic area and a chapel and a little view and info point.

If you now return to the road it will take you 200 m on where you will see a sign for the big bench, you will cross into the vines here 100m more to reach the panoramic spot and take some nice photos!

If you stay on the road it will take you 200 m on where you will see a sign for the big bench, you will cross into the vines here 100m more to reach the panoramic spot and take some nice photos!

Now for the loop Passiti. After you visit the Big Bench we take to the road and descend into the valley. When you reach the bottom you will see the following signs, turn right again

To go back simply retrace your steps!

Foliage, a blaze of glory. you can see more photos of the walk in a different season.